Thursday, January 7, 2010


Everyday you hear it, another big business is moving it's manufacturing facility out of USA for cheap chinese labor.

Hypothetically, when the day comes that so many jobs have moved from America; who will buy these products. Sure other people in the world buy products too, but nothing like USA does.

Bowling is an American sport, you think the balls should be made here, nope not all of them are.
When we are all broke who will be able to bowl anymore?

So when we have all lost our jobs, I predict big business will begin moving work back here once again for a new age of cheap labor.

Imagine an era where Americans are unemployed at such a rate that the majority of us are forced out of our homes, without health care. Unless we learn how to live outdoors again and quick, we wont be able to defend our own constitution. Big Business will come back to America and rename our country, then use us like slaves. Eventually the business's wont need us to work at all, when automation is able to preform the fine motor skills of a human being. At this point though, who would they sell to? The programmers and mechanics of the automated machines? The end game sounds like a stale mate. At that point we have conquered this world and its time to move on to build some where else. I watched an old video called metropolis a silent film, its on netflix. Pretty boring but in the end it appears that big business shakes the hand of the human laborer. Agreeing to work to gether.

Programmer, electrician, mechanic, machinist, medic, scientists of various types, judge, lawyer, officer, reporter. <------ Wait of these few jobs here how many would the future need,? The judge could be taken over by a non complacent computer program, so no need for a laywer then. Electricians, mechanics, machinists, medic will be turned into a super crafter, much like the current day millwright; or with nanotechnology why not just have to programmer tell the nanos what to fix or make. We will just need programmers, but wait, at what point will our machines be creative enough to build their own programs? So face it we are destined to go extinct in order to build a new biological machine programmer. END GAME

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